Some Godly and ungodly charater

                           What is character: 
character is what makes,define and identify you,which comes from a latin word marks or a distinctive words prov 20:11.
Character is who you are when no one is watching.

                          Some Godly character
1: Honesty: this mean not hiding the truth,Act 6:3,2cor 4:2.
2: integrity: it is what you say, what you do and they must be the same,(that is) perfect psalm 78:72.
3: servanthood: this talks about stewardship,humbling your self to serve, luke 16:12,mark 9:33'35.
4: Love: this one of the fruit of the spirit,love give no account 1john 4:7-8,gal 5:6, 1cor 2:9.
5: Humility/ meekness: the state of been quite and gentle phli 2:5, psalm 25:9.
6: Diligence: this talks about hardwork, giving or doing all your best,or doing things well prov 22:29 prov 10:4.
7: Discipline: is denialing yourself a set of things or previliges of achieving ones mean impose self control,been hard on yourself with view of achieving a target.2 tim 3:2-4.
8: Holiness: it mean righteous life,right living in accordance in Gods love heb 12:14,luke 1:74-75,eph 4:24-25.
9: Courage: it the ability to continue and not to give up,it is also the ability to control fear to face danger or hardships in other to prevail,courage is the inner strenght.
10: Wisdom: is knowing the word of God and doing it,it talks about application of knowledge matt 7: 24-25.
11: Moral excellence: talks about all round conduct, 1tim 4:12, 1tim 3:7.
12: Outstanding appearance: good Christian acquire discenty dress for glory,glorify God in your body. Matt 5: 14-16, Exp 12:14.

                     Some ungodly character
1: Dishonesty: this talks about insincerity,some one who is dis honest deceive people by lieing, stealing, cheating, john 8: 44, colo 3:9 1john 1:9, it destroys people trust in you and damage your personality.
2: Slandering: psalm 101:5 this means utterance of false charges against someone with the intention or motive of damaging the people image or reputation, God says such person will be cut-off 1john5:16.
3: Deceit: this mean presenting a lie as truth and persuading others to believe the lie as the truth 1peter 3:10,Act 5:1-10.
4: Cheating: this is an act of rubbery. It is intentional taken what does not belong to you. You don't gain anything by cheating you lost it all. 1thes 4:6
5: Pride: that what brought Satan down from heaven prov 11:2,prov 16:18,isaiah 14:11-20. Pride is over estimation of oneself,it display lack of respect for others, pride is a distoryer of man, psalm 101:5, Dan 4:20,luke 12:16-21.
6: Covetousness: this is an unlawful desire or carve for what belong to someone else, greedy, 2king 5:20-22,joshua 7:20.
Covetousness is a crasher of destiny.


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