Love (The God kind of love)

The God kind of love 1 John 4:8

The Bible says that God is love. It also says that love is even greater than faith or hope 1 cor 13:13, well, since God is love, then we need to know what love is..that is God kind of love.
Love is charity.

God love is not the same as natural human love, natural human love can turn to hatred over night, but God's love never fails. God love will never pass away.

 God's love is greater than
πŸ’₯ prophesie.
πŸ’₯ tongues.
πŸ’₯ knowledge.
 The Bible made us to understand that all this shall vanish 1cor 13:8, away. But God's love never pass away. God love endures for ever.
If You will walk in the light of God's love, you will never be weaken either. You will be able to just go on loving people whether you flesh like ot or are to love people the same love that God is 1cor 13:5.
πŸ’• Divine love is not selfish. It doesn't put itself and its own first.
πŸ’• Puting other people ahead of your own interests is a good rule to follow to see if you're walking in God's love.
So to believe God fully and to operate in the faith of God,you 
must walk in God kind of love.
πŸ’• Divine love is a peacemaker.
πŸ’• Divine love takes no account of a suffered wrong.
πŸ’• Divine love is a great aim in life.
πŸ’• God's love never fails.
πŸ’• Divine love is a Fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22.
πŸ’• Love practiced brings great rewards.
πŸ’• Love serve those who deserve it and does who don't deserve it.
πŸ’• Love stand for those who pay for it and who will not pay for it.
πŸ’• Love can not walk on it own it always depend on Faith Eph 3:17.
Note: the more you confess how much you love God and his word, the more your love for him will grow and develop in you, and Jesus will become real to you.


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