Money without a purpose is a waste in progress

"Money is not what bring fulfillment. It is the purpose for which money is being used that brings not just happiness but fulfillment."

Money won’t bring you fulfillment if it lacks the goodwill to fuel your passion in pursuing your vision to fruition.
Remember that, fulfillment is not in money but in what you do with money. Money without purpose is waste in progress.

Fulfillment does not begin with money. It begins with small acts of kindness you do to advance the lives of those close to you.
There are many who have the money but without a sense of purpose, after the mansion and the cars, you can still hear that sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction In their words.

They look for another party to go or host every now and then, they post everything they have only for public approval, they always want to be seen but in the end, down the heart they are unhappy.
Have you asked yourself why some rich people commit suicide? There's a higher purpose for money, you'll only know this once you conquer the survival level.

This is why you're asked to volunteer to carry out a community service project, join a group of friends to put smiles on other people's faces. It creates that sense of value, this is because man was designed not just to receive but to give.
Purpose gives your money direction and when purposefully served, you get that sense of fulfillment as you now get to add true value to other beyond yourself.

Don’t just spend your money, spend yourself when you need to. Look inward and look around, don't wait till you have all the money, invest for profit, but never forget to keep some for charity.


✔Have you done any act of service or kindness within the last one year that was well received and appreciated?

✔If you are asked to list 2 things to do for those close to you without them paying you for it, what would they be?

✔What are the things that have brought you great joy in the past or are presently offering you that feeling of fulfillment?



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