How to put God's word to work

Guideline on how to study the Bible

A. Study strategy
  1. Determine why you want to study the Bible.
  2. Choose the appropriate time and place.
  3. Set some goals for your self, i.e you must receive light.
  4. Share what you must have learnt with someone else.

B. Study tools
  1. The Bible: it is advisable to have more than one Bible version.
  2. Bible dictionary: i.e this describe names,place,and things, that are mentioned in the Bible.

C. Bible concorders:very word use in the Bible is in the Bible concord.

D. Bible commentaries.

E. Map.

F. Note book and pen.

G. Study pattern: it is good to have a study pattern in reading the Bible.
  1. Individual books study: a particular chapter.
  2. Topical study: study about example like FAITH,HEALTH, PROSPERITY AND LONG LIFE.
  3. Textural study: that is a particular text.
  4. Character or Biographical study: for example study about Joseph, Joshua,Jesus, Daniel.
  5. Biblical or chronologically study: example Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Revelation.

How to put Gods word to work
1. Meditation: Joshua 1:8.
   Requirement for  profitable meditation
 a. Think about God words phli 4:8.
 b. Talk about God words Eph 4:29.
 c. Walk in Gods word Eph 4:1, james 1:22-23.


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