Having a clear vision
Have a Clear Vision.
Vision is the light of God glorious plan and purpose, lighten upon a man spirit and impressed upon a mans heart by the holyspirit himself. 1cor2:9.
Dynamic of vision
๐ฅ Vision fuel the imagination of a man heart empowering him for divine accomplishment gen 11:6, gen 6:5-6
๐ฅ Vision helps to determine purpose and helps to determine life glorious goal. jere 29:11. Life without goals makes a man to live like a goat.
๐ฅ Vision enables focus and provokes an inward drive in the right direction for unusual progress, and Supernatural accomplishment. heb 12:2-3, 1cor 9:25-26.
๐ฅ A genuine vision impacted by the word, activated by the hHoly Spirit not only motivate for success,it provokes divine help to guarantee unusual progress and divine accomplishment. Jere 1:11-12
A purposeful life starts with a sense of mission, knowing your mission gives birth to your vision.
๐ฅ What is that one thing you see yourself doing for the next ten years everyday and never feeling bored.
๐ฅ What is that one thing you will do for others, and feel very happy and fulfilled.
๐ฅ Where do you see your life, career, business, relationship in the next five to tens years from now
๐ฅ What is that thing you still be doing at the age of sixty.
โ๏ธ answer these questions sincerely and write the answers down where you can always see it
You are not truly free, until you have been made captive by your purpose in life.
Never, embark on anything in life, because others are doing it. Have a clear vision of what you want in life and work with it, when you have a clear vision, you can defeat any obstacle on your way to success.
โ๏ธ A life without vision is a life without future. Heb 2:1-3.
โ๏ธ Vision needs to be acquired and divine.
โ๏ธ Vision provide a destination.
โ๏ธ Vision is forsaking your good idea for the purpose of finding God's idea.
โ๏ธ Vision gives you hope.
โ๏ธ Godly vision gives you stronge courage.
โ๏ธ Vision birth idea, birth action, bith result.
โ๏ธ God's giving vision is satisfying.
๐ฅ๐ขHandly your vision by breaking it into a sizeable potion.
๐ฅ๐ข Who you are is related to where you came from.
๐ฅ๐ข Many look, few see
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