
Be spiritually minded

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6 “ Spirituality is a gate way to prosperity, carnality destroys life. God is a Spirit,  John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth . Therefore being spiritually-minded simply means thinking, speaking, acting, and being like God. If there Should   be any problem in your house or office, the people around you should be able to call on you, if you are spiritually minded. As children of God, we are advised not to follow the world. If the world says things are difficult, we should say “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Talking in a worldly way will draw us back into death but walking in the Word of God, will promote our life and peace. Continuing in good habits always leads to good results. The children of God are the most blessed in all of God’s creation, Ephesians 1:3; we have the Word of God to teach, dire...

Power of thanksgiving

                       POWER OF THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is related to God's goodness psalms 136:1, says give thanks to the lord for he is Good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Thanksgiving is the response of appreciation God is expecting for his manifestation in mans life luke 17:11-12. God keeps record, so we must keep thanking God. : Attributes of thanksgiving. 💥 Thanksgiving is direct from scriptures, that is Commandments, it may not be comfortable but it is profitable Deut 28:1-3. 💥 It is the will of God for every believer Heb 10:36, 💥 It is an expression of fullness of God Phil 5:17-18. 💥 It makes the devil to subdue under your feet. : Why thanksgiving Acknowledge of God, behind every good thing happening to us. ✔️ For his benefit: psalms 68:19 Gids benefits are superior to his blessing. Life and sound health is benefits, money is bless psalms 103:1-5. ✔️ For his faithfulness: psalms 92:1-2 God is too f...

God of increase

“ Understanding the Powers Behind the Continuous of Church Growth”  Bishop David Oyedepo described Matthew 6:33 as “the key to our turn-around in life” and there are proofs as evidence in the lives of many. It is only fools who doubt proofs, but the wise follow the truth. Quoting from Psalms 127:1-2, Bishop pointed out that no Church grows behind or without God, and Church increase is not just in planting and watering, it is the hand of God that brings about the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6). He said “in everything including Church growth, without God we can do nothing and without the acknowledging of God in truth and indeed as the one behind Church growth, any Church will stop growing. : Church growth booster 💥 Vision: you must believe the plan and purpose of God in that church. 💥 Signs and wonders: Act 9:3346, Act 4:29-31. 💥 Wisdom: it helps uou to develop strategies Dan 1:20. 💥 The law of gratitude: psalm 67:5-7, job 8:6-7. 💥 Publicity Matt 5:14-16, luke 10:1. : ...

May vengeance show up in our Nation

All round Settlement for our nation. Settlement mean rest, no oppression, you flowing in righteousness. 1peter 5:10. Settle with the word everything if your life will be settled. I pray may you receive all round settlement in these areas. 💥 Martial delay. 💥 unsettled health. 💥 unsettled career. 💥 unsettled finances. 💥 unsettled home's. 💥 Unsettled Nation ✔️ The word of God is beyond the natural man ✔️ May vengeance show up in Our Nation. ✔️ Not until vengeance showed up the wicked never give up .

There is a treasure and goldmine inside everyone

No Limit There is actually, no limit to how far you can go in life, no limit to how high you can stretch or accomplish. There is a treasure and goldmine inside everyone. You just have to look inside and discover it. Look at how beautiful, intricate and marvellous the earth and other planets are, the maker of all these is also your maker, but you are a special product, because He made you in His image and likeness, this means you are like Him and a part of Him is in you, so you have the potentials and power to make and create great, beautiful, wonderful works like Him. You are not limited, you can go as far as your eyes can see. Believe, you have what it takes this month and unlock your greatness. There's a wealth of potential in you. When the world dimps and rejects you, and you land on the garbage heap of the world, God walks along and picks you up. He looks deep within you and see a person of great worth. Don't ever let anybody throw...

Having a clear vision

Have a Clear Vision. Vision is the light of God glorious plan and purpose, lighten upon a man spirit and impressed upon a mans heart by the holyspirit himself. 1cor2:9. Dynamic of vision 💥  Vision fuel the imagination of a man heart empowering him for divine accomplishment gen 11:6, gen 6:5-6 💥 Vision helps to determine purpose and helps to determine life glorious goal. jere 29:11. Life without goals makes a man to live like a goat. 💥 Vision enables focus and provokes an inward drive in the right direction for unusual progress, and Supernatural accomplishment. heb 12:2-3, 1cor 9:25-26. 💥 A genuine vision impacted by the word, activated by the hHoly Spirit not only motivate for success,it provokes divine help to guarantee unusual progress and divine accomplishment. Jere 1:11-12 : A purposeful life starts with a sense of mission, knowing your mission gives birth to your vision. 💥 What is that one thing you see yourself doing for the next ten years everyda...

Serving the interest of God's kingdom

         Serving The Interest of God's kongdom :  Lk.2:49 (AMP)   And He said to them, How is it that you had to look for Me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary [as a duty] for Me to be in My Father’s house and [occupied] about My Father’s business? Jesus, at the age of twelve understood the position of a true son when it comes to the father's properties/ estate and kingdom. 💥 For a child of God, God is more than a father to you. He is your Maker and Owner, your Sustainer and Finisher. Ps.100:3, Heb.1:3, Rev.22:13 💥 It is therefore your responsibility to be jealous over and seek after the wellbeing and expansion of His kingdom on the earth. 1Kings.19:14, Ps.122:6-9 💥 Jesus told us to take over (occupy) this business, till He returns. Lk.19:13 💥 Our major business being the reconciliation of the lost back to God. We are to take back what the devil has stolen (the souls of men) and give it back to the rightful own...

The source of all potentials.

The potential of a thing is related to it's source. Potential means the hidden or dormant abilities/ untapped or uncultivated strength, or non utilized power or unfulfilled locked up dreams.  Or unripe Gift,means undeveloped talent, unused success,or unlimited possibilities or all you can be but not yet to come. Or all you can have but not yet to get. Or all you can do but is yet to be done. : Everything in life was created with potential and possesses the potential principle. Creation abound with potential because God himself is the potential principle. : When we describe God, we often say he is the omnipotent. Omnipotent  means that God is always potent. made up of two words: omini, means always and potent means full of power, omnipotent means that God is potentially everything. He has within him the potential for all that is, was, or ever will be. He is omnipotent or omini - potent. God Factor of Potential. Identify with God.for you to effect...

Love (The God kind of love)

The God kind of love  1 John 4:8 The Bible says that God is love. It also says that love is even greater than faith or hope 1 cor 13:13, well, since God is love, then we need to know what love is..that is God kind of love. Love is charity . God love is not the same as natural human love, natural human love can turn to hatred over night, but God's love never fails. God love will never pass away.   God's love is greater than 💥 prophesie. 💥 tongues. 💥 knowledge.  The Bible made us to understand that all this shall vanish 1cor 13:8, away. But God's love never pass away. God love endures for ever. : If You will walk in the light of God's love, you will never be weaken either. You will be able to just go on loving people whether you flesh like ot or are to love people the same love that God is 1cor 13:5. : 💕 Divine love is not selfish. It doesn't put itself and its own first. 💕 Puting other people ahead of your own interests is ...

Feed your mind with the right word

✨ Feed your Mind Right  (Psalm 119:105) There is a saying, watch your thoughts they become words, watch your words, they become action, watch your action they become character and watch your character they become habits. What are you feeding your mind? Phonographic pictures, horror movies, immoral novels, negative is not every article you see you read, some are very good in telling us our problems and analysing how gloomy the future looks with no solution to it at all. You are the character of your thoughts, think, talk and act in line with God's Word. When you feed your mind with the right food, word of God, good books, good teachings, right mentors....then you surround yourself with right energy for your destiny. The word is a light, the right words open doors of possibilities, progress, success, dominion, victory in your mind. 💕 Discover your self. 💕 You are a Star. 💕DON'T DOUBT YOUR WORTH,AND NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS .